Fly in the worlds first Electric Aircraft near London! ⚡

1 Passagier max. • 25m Flugzeit Pipistrel Velis Electro


Du wirst von Upminster aus fliegen und wieder zurück. Genieße dabei die tollen Landschaften und Aussichten auf dem Weg.

Flugroute anzeigen

Kommerzieller Betreiber

Der Betreiber bietet kommerzielle Flüge mit professionellen Piloten an.

£177 pro Person



Fly into a new era of sustainable flight! Experience a flight in the Velis Electro, the first and only type certified aircraft that is 100% electric. This unique and rare experience is available for any pilot or enthusiast wanting to learn what the future of aviation might hold. It's also open to anyone who wants to experience the latest commercially available technology in electric propulsion systems. You will be part of a select list of individuals who can claim that they were one of t...


Upminster, UK
Top Meadow Golf Club, North Ockendon, Upminster, UK
Orsett Hall Hotel, Restaurant & Spa, Prince Charles Avenue, Orsett, Grays, UK

Über den Betreiber

Mitglied seit 2022

Verifiziert von Wingly

Unser Team hat die Lizenz und das Medical des Piloten geprüft.

Kommerzieller Betreiber

Der Betreiber bietet kommerzielle Flüge mit professionellen Piloten an.

I started flying gliders at the age of 16. I have had a lot of fun building hang gliders and microlights and flying extensively for over 2 decades. We are pioneers and have introduced certified electric aircraft to the UK for flight training and are pleased to offer it to Wingly users while reducing their carbon footprint from our DTO at Daymns Hall Aerodrome.

Verschenke ein persönliches Erlebnis

Schenke deinen Liebsten ein einzigartiges Erlebnis in einem Privatflugzeug

  • Wähle einen bestimmten Flug damit dein Geschenk noch persönlicher wird
  • Gültig für ein Jahr und während der Gültigkeit verlängerbar
  • Die beschenkte Person kann den Wert der Geschenkkarte auf alle Flüge anwenden
Flug verschenken


5.0 • 5 Bewertungen
  • Timothy

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Fly in the worlds first Electric Aircraft near London! ⚡

    I've wanted to try this flight out for a while, and it was great to have an opportunity. Very much enjoyed trying the aircraft out and chatting to Deepak about his passion for electric flight. Very highly recommended for anyone interested in the future of general aviation.

  • Mervyn

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Fly in the worlds first Electric Aircraft near London! ⚡

    I had an excellent flight with Deepak in the Velis electro Pipistrel all Electric aircraft. Deepak was very knowledgable and in the short time we had in the air I learnt a lot about this particular aircraft, we even managed to pick up a thermal or two which extened its range. I fully recommend the experience. Merv

  • Sarah

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Fly in the worlds first Electric Aircraft near London! ⚡

    This was the experience I absolutely fantastic. Very welcoming, and a great pilot.

  • Lawrence

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Fly in the worlds first Electric Aircraft near London! ⚡

    It was a very pleasant flight with an almost new airplain. Beeing electric powered it is more silent and light . I was very impressed by the pilot seeing and knowing so many places/ cities where he landed includind my country ROMANIA He showed me the airplain book to know more about this airplain. So, great experience and next year i will want to take some flying lessons with this type of airplane. I will recomand him to my friends to take a flight with him . Thank you very much Lawrence.

  • Michael

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Fly in the worlds first Electric Aircraft near London! ⚡

    An absolutely brilliant experience, Deepak was excellent. We circled over the Dartford Crossing so that I could get some photographs of the bridge. The near-silent operation of his electrically-powered aircraft was quite remarkable. This may well be the future. Fly with him, and be able to say that you were in at the beginning of this venture.

Gut zu wissen


Die Gesamterlebnisdauer ist 25m und setzt sich aus Briefings und 25m Flugzeit zusammen.


Für diesen Flug werden gute Wetterbedingungen benötigt. Ansonsten muss der Pilot deine Buchung eventuell verschieben oder stornieren.


Sobald die Buchung durch den Anbieter bestätigt wurde, kann dieser nicht mehr storniert oder rückerstattet werden.


Nimm gerne deine Kamera und Sonnenbrille mit an Bord.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

5.0 • 5 Bewertungen
£177 pro Person

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