Sightseeing flying over Silverstone race circuit (1hr15)

3 Passagiere max. • 1h 15m Flugzeit Cessna 172 Skyhawk


Du wirst von Cambridge aus fliegen und wieder zurück. Genieße dabei die tollen Landschaften und Aussichten auf dem Weg.

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Der Pilot fliegt in seiner Freizeit und zahlt seinen Anteil beim Flug auf Kostenteilungsbasis mit.

Ab £95 pro Person



Departing Top Farm airfield and then flying west over Woburn Abbey and safari park, then south of Milton Keynes and flying over Silverstone racing circuit (circling) before returning either via Cranfield airfield or north of Cranfield to Top Farm airfield


Woburn Safari Park, Crawley Road, Woburn, Bedford, UK
Buckingham, UK
Silverstone Circuit, Towcester, UK

Du fliegst mit Ron

Mitglied seit 2018

Verifiziert von Wingly

Unser Team hat die Lizenz und das Medical des Piloten geprüft.


Der Pilot fliegt in seiner Freizeit und zahlt seinen Anteil beim Flug auf Kostenteilungsbasis mit.


530 Gesamtflugstunden • 98 Flugstunden in den letzten 12 Monaten

A passionate pilot with his own Cessna 172N who loves to fly whenever he can.

Verschenke ein persönliches Erlebnis

Schenke deinen Liebsten ein einzigartiges Erlebnis in einem Privatflugzeug

  • Wähle einen bestimmten Flug damit dein Geschenk noch persönlicher wird
  • Gültig für ein Jahr und während der Gültigkeit verlängerbar
  • Die beschenkte Person kann den Wert der Geschenkkarte auf alle Flüge anwenden
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5.0 • 137 Bewertungen
  • Rebecca

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Sightseeing trip around Cambridge and the local area (1hr)

    Really enjoyed our flight with Ron! Ron is clearly a very experienced pilot, and is enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge. He really took the time to explain everything to us - how the controls worked, how the navigation worked, etc, which was really interesting. He even let my partner have a go at flying it too, which he loved! Communication before the flight was excellent too. Highly recommend flying with Ron!

  • Sally

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Sightseeing trip around Cambridge and the local area (1hr)

    We had a fantastic experience with Ron today. He was able to accommodate myself, husband and son comfortably in the aircraft. He spoke to my husband (sitting in the front) about the aircraft, flight details, and what some of the instruments were for. He gave us landmarks to look out for and were lucky enough to fly over our house! Would thoroughly recommend Ron for his knowledge and flight experience. Thank you so much Ron. We had a great time.

  • Maggie

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Sightseeing trip around Cambridge and the local area (1hr)

    We had a fantastic flight with Ron. His communication organising the flight was brilliant, and he is very friendly and put us all at ease on the day. I flew with my two teenage sons, one of whom sat in the front and was utterly thrilled to have a go at flying. Ron made sure we flew over our house, which was great fun, and it was a brilliant experience all round. Highly recommended.

  • Dana

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Sightseeing trip around Cambridge and the local area (1hr)

    The flight was a birthday surprinse and we was not disappointed. Ron explained everything to us from starting up, taking off and where we were during the flight, he even flew us around the town where we live. Everything about our experience was amazing. Not only is Ron an awesome pilot and took us on a great flight but his fantastic customer service was what made it all possible. Our schedules were changing but Ron was always ready to adapt and make sure our flight happened in the end. Can't ...

  • Francis

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Sightseeing trip around Cambridge and the local area (1hr)

    We had a fantastic experience flying with Ron and we highly recommend his trips! He gave us a great experience from beginning to end. Ron really takes his time to explain everything about the plane, the trip, all the local sights, etc. He's a passionate pilot who really cares about sharing his love of flying. We enjoyed the trip so much, we can't stop talking about it. We hope to get back up in the skies with him again in the near future! Thanks again Ron!

Gut zu wissen


Die Gesamterlebnisdauer ist 1h 15m und setzt sich aus Briefings und 1h 15m Flugzeit zusammen.


Für diesen Flug werden gute Wetterbedingungen benötigt. Ansonsten muss der Pilot deine Buchung eventuell verschieben oder stornieren.


Du kannst den Flug bis zu 24 Stunden vor Abflug stornieren.


Nimm gerne deine Kamera und Sonnenbrille mit an Bord.

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5.0 • 137 Bewertungen
Ab £95 pro Person

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