

Registered since July 2022

Verified by Wingly

Private pilot

A private individual flying in their own free time who contributes to the total price through cost sharing.

Flight Log

280 total flying hours • 90 flight hours in the last 12 months

Night Flight Qualification
Mountain Qualification

About Dominik

Hi! 👋🏼 Schön, dass du auf meinem Profil bist. Ich bin 25 Jahre als, hauptberuflich Unternehmer in der IT und fliege leidenschaftlich gerne Flugzeuge. Gerne mache ich mit dir und deinen Freunden einen Rundflug oder fliege dich/euch von A nach B.

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Ok, these cookies do not fly, and neither can you eat them. But if you accept cookies, they allow us to track analytics, remember your preferences, and personalise your experience. And that is worth all the cookies in the world... Do you accept cookies?