Flights around Loch Ness, Royaume-Uni

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Why fly over Scotland in an airplane or helicopter?

Experiencing Scotland from the air in a microlight or by a helicopter is a thrilling way to witness the breathtaking landscapes and iconic landmarks of this stunning country. The bird's-eye view provides an unmatched perspective, allowing you to fully appreciate the beauty and majesty of Scotland's diverse scenery.

Discover the Highlands by plane

The Scottish Highlands are renowned for their rugged beauty and expansive landscapes. From a private plane or a helicopter, you'll be able to take in the rolling hills, dramatic peaks, and vast moorlands that characterise this region. Flying over the Highlands offers a unique vantage point, revealing hidden glens and remote lochs that are inaccessible by road. The sense of scale and wildness from above is truly awe-inspiring.

Fly over The Loch Ness

Loch Ness is one of Scotland's most famous landmarks, known worldwide for its mysterious resident, the Loch Ness Monster. From the air, you can follow the length of this deep, freshwater loch, observing its dark, enigmatic waters and the surrounding countryside. The aerial perspective allows you to appreciate the loch's size and the beauty of the Great Glen, a natural fault line that stretches across Scotland.

Ben Nevis

Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the British Isles, is a sight to behold from a microlight. The sheer scale of this peak is even more impressive from the sky, where you can see the jagged ridges and deep corries that make up its landscape. A flight over Ben Nevis offers unparalleled views of its summit and the surrounding mountains, providing a sense of the ruggedness and grandeur of the Scottish Highlands.

Peek at the vale of Glencoe

Glencoe is one of Scotland's most famous and scenic valleys, known for its dramatic landscapes and historical significance. From the air, the vale of Glencoe reveals its full beauty, with steep-sided mountains, cascading waterfalls, and winding rivers. The aerial view highlights the valley's rugged terrain and the contrast between its lush, green lower slopes and the rocky, barren peaks above.

Skye island

The Isle of Skye, with its rugged coastline and picturesque landscapes, is a must-see from the air. A microlight flight over Skye allows you to see its dramatic cliffs, serene lochs, and the famous Cuillin mountain range. The island's diverse scenery, from the Fairy Pools to the Old Man of Storr, is even more captivating from above, providing a unique perspective on its natural beauty and geological features.

Cairngorms National Park

Cairngorms National Park is the largest national park in the UK, and its vast landscapes are perfect for an aerial tour. From a microlight or helicopter, you can explore the park's ancient forests, rolling hills, and sparkling rivers. The aerial view also showcases the park's diverse wildlife habitats, including the high-altitude plateaus and the deep glens that are home to many rare species. The sense of space and wilderness in the Cairngorms is truly impressive from the sky.

What are you waiting for to discover Scotland?

Flying over Scotland and the surrounding area by microlight or helicopter is an adventure that combines excitement with the discovery of Scotland's rich heritage and natural beauty. It's an unforgettable experience that offers new perspectives and lasting memories. Your sightseeing flight is waiting for you! Share this beautiful experience with our passionate pilots and discover the beauty of aviation. 

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