Bonanza A36

<p>Beechcraft is an absolutely mythical American manufacturer and the Bonanza A36 is its most legendary plane. It appeared between 1945 and 1947, as a revolutionary touring plane. <p>When it was first marketed in 1947, the Bonanza A36 is a particularly fast, aerodynamic, 6-passenger aircraft with retractable landing gear. It is rare. <p>The revolutionary aircraft suffered some setbacks in its early years. After a few setbacks (notably discussions about the danger of its V-shaped tail), sales of the Beechcraft took off. <p>Overall, as many as 17,000 Bonanza A36 were built by Beechcraft. The device is so mythical that it even appears in an album by Tintin (The Sunflower Affair).</p>



Bonanza A36
6 seats max
Average price
£371 / h

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