

Mitglied seit März 2024

Verifiziert von Wingly


Der Pilot fliegt in seiner Freizeit und bietet Flüge auf Kostenteilungsbasis an.


172 Gesamtflugstunden • 17 Flugstunden in den letzten 12 Monaten

Über Jonathan

Hello! I'm Jonathan and originally from the UK though a permanent resident in Berlin. I did my initial training and PPL just outside London in 2016 at a place called Southend. To be able to keep flying here and because of Brexit, I then redid the whole skills test last year in Prague so I hold both a UK and EASA (European) PPL. I continue to fly as a hobby mainly out of Starusberg, to the east of Berlin at the weekend. My Monday to Friday life is a mix of investment and ESG consulting, working at a software startup focused on ESG and ad-hoc mentoring in the Berlin start-up Eco system. When I fly, I find the flight around the edge of Berlin beautiful as well as trips up to the coast or Poland. I look forward to flying with you!

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