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Flüge über Angel of the North
Designed by acclaimed contemporary artist Antony Gormley and displayed to the world in 1998, the Angel of the North is an iconic monument that attracts plenty of attention alongside the A1 near Newcastle-upon-Tyne: This colossal steel sculpture captivates travellers with its intense presence. But how many people can say they’ve seen the Angel of the North from above? Imagine soaring high above this striking landmark, and enjoying its magnificence from a bird's-eye perspective. Through Wingly’s flight sharing platform, aviation enthusiasts can embark on a journey to experience this sight like never before. Picture yourself aboard one of our light aircrafts, ascending into the skies to behold this awesome sight in all its glory. Revealing hidden details and new dimensions to familiar landmarks is one of the most interesting advantages of a sightseeing flight. From above, the Angel's intricate design and monumental scale take on a whole new meaning, leaving passengers in awe of its sheer magnitude. So, the next time you find yourself admiring the Angel of the North from the ground, consider the adventure that awaits those who dare to fly - Come take a look!